Wednesday 11 May 2016

Extreme weather causes havoc

I decided to do a bit of rearranging of the globe and to cut a long story short Rob helped me raise it up a bit on an old cement mixer drum which he supplied. It looked OK but the wind blew it off a couple of days later so it is now on the tyre but further back. I decided to get rid of the wired cans because I wasn't too happy with them and people thought it looked like an octopus apparently. So now there are just some cans randomly around to try and convey what it's all about which I think works better. Originally, I was going to pile the cans from the ground up, as I collected them, until they eventually covered the whole globe. I might go back to this idea and see how it works but this is dependent on me carrying on collecting cans for ages and there being enough. Not sure about that.  Strangely enough the amount of litter on the road since just before placing the globe has decreased a lot and I am hard pressed to find any cans at the moment. I guess this would seem to be what I am trying to achieve but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I'm doing.

This is before it fell off

This is after it fell off - don't suppose you can tell the difference, I have moved the sign as well which I'll show in another post (and painted the text red; very important attention to detail), really gripping stuff.

I'd like to say I met this guy on the road but I actually found him in a waste paper basket, I haven't been to Brazil yet anyway.